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Hornsea Community Primary School

P.E & Sports Premium


PE  & Sports Premium Financial Statements


Impact of the Sports Premium

Pupils say...

"I like it when we use things in PE like our new squishy balls so we can practise throwing and catching." Alexa, Year 1.

"Tigers Trust was good because we got to try out some new sports that we haven't done before and Ryan is a really good coach!" Scarlet, Year 4

"The sports leaders have got new beanbags now and I like using them at lunch time because I can practise throwing and catching with one hand!" Fergus, Year 1.

"Our sports leaders are fun, Francesca plays hide and seek with me." Ebony, Year 2. 

"The lady that runs the Yoga club has a really nice and relaxing voice, I enjoyed it." Martha, Year 6. 

Staff say...

'My class always ask if they can use the class equipment box. The main favourites are using the large skipping rope and the bats and balls. I find it helps divert any arguments between groups or friends and they enjoy developing their own games too. (Such as 'jumping the rope' and Wobbly ball handball...which is an hilarious game for everyone as when the ball bounces it goes in all sorts of directions!)' Mrs Billam

'TT has given me really good ideas for games and teamwork, particularly for differentiating activities to both support and extend pupils.' Miss Field

'The sports leader equipment has been helpful in keeping the children active and entertained at lunchtime. Some days we don't get the equipment out, and instead have the sports leaders over seeing races and games on the field for a bit of variety. Overall, the year 5 and 6 children are doing a great job and the KS1 children are all having fun 😀' Mrs Skinner, Lunchtime Supervisor


Sports Mornings

The children and their parents/carers have really enjoyed our sports mornings, these are some of the lovely comments:

Good morning, I just wanted to say a huge thank you for a wonderful first sports day for the EYFS. The way it was organised so all children were engaged in an activity and had lots of chances to get a place sticker was brilliant. Thank you to all the staff for making it such a fun and relaxing time!

Kind regards

Green Group Mum



I just wanted to send an email to say how lovely both ****** Daddy and I thought the sports morning was. 

It was lovely to see that **** was with his group of friends and how brilliantly they all acted! 

To see all of the children actively cheering and encouraging each other was fantastic to see! They were happy for everyone who joined regardless of the position they finished,  it was great to see **** just having fun!!. The atmosphere was fun and relaxed and it was clear to see that they were all having the best time. Mrs Rhodes did a fantastic job and again it was clear to see the positive rapport she has with the children, they were all involved, relaxed, happy and just living their best lives 😀

What an fabulous morning. Thank you.

 Kind regards

***** Mummy