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Hornsea Community Primary School


(Under Construction)


Parents,Teachers and Friends Association

Parents,Teachers and Friends Association

  • Hornsea Community Primary School warmly encourages a family environment. It says this in our name ‘Community'. As we know children learn best when there are strong relationships between home and school. The PTFA meets regularly to discuss fun ideas that they can organise for our children, parents and staff. The social and fund raising events organised by the energetic and successful Friends’ Committee continue to provide money for much needed facilities and resources for the children. We provide support to the school in many ways and ensure the children have extra benefits and opportunities such as:


*New books for the 'School Library'.

*ICT equipment


*Special equipment in each class.

*The Pirate Ship on the school playground

*Maths resources


Our PTFA organises fundraising and social events including, charitable non-uniform days, school discos and activities around Halloween, Christmas, Easter and also a Summer Fair. Through our work, the PTFA plays a key role in fostering the school’s relations in the wider community, where local businesses support our fundraising efforts. Prospective new members (parents and friends of school) are always very welcome to join the next PTFA meeting for a friendly and worthwhile get together. 


How can you help?

The success of the Friends’ Association depends entirely on the support of all parents, staff and the community. We greatly appreciate any assistance. This can be anything from a little time spent helping out in the background, to coming along to the functions with friends and family or by joining the Friends’ Committee. Share your fund-raising ideas with us, we are always open to new ideas and welcome any suggestions from an idea for a stall at the fair to a suggestion for a whole event!


Halloween Party Nigh