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Hornsea Community Primary School

Parent Voice


At Hornsea Community Primary School we work hard to provide lots of exciting learning opportunities for your children. We can gain feedback from the children on a daily basis and with ease. As a school we are looking to increase the amount of feedback from you the parents.

This might be a simple thank you for finding a missing jumper, a quick question about the half termly homework or perhaps a concern that you have about your child's reading books.


You can now email your feedback to Mrs Swinden our Parent and Pupil Voice co-ordinator, by completing the feedback sections below. Mrs Swinden will liaise with colleagues to ensure that concerns are dealt with or that your praise is shared. 


Feedback from a Math's Let's Learn Together Session from our parents...

Really enjoyed coming along to the 'let's learn together' morning. It was nice to see the skills my son has learnt this year and how his confidence has grown.


Enjoyed 'Let's Learn together', seeing him interacting with his classmates.  He enjoyed the Lego table best of course!


Thank you for letting us learn together, it has been wonderful to see her and her class in action!


Had the best time for Let's Learn well done to everyone amazing job and fabulous school!


It was lovely to come in and spend time with the children and complete various tasks, Thank you so much!


A lovely morning, lots of activities set up and looking good. Everyone enjoying them


Another great morning in the classroom with my child learning and having fun. It is also a great opportunity to bring my younger child into school as a taster for September.


I love having the opportunity to visit the classroom and join in learning activities with my daughter.


It was lovely to see the children doing the activities and clearly enjoying themselves. The whole session had a really good atmosphere and there was some great creativity on show!


Had a lovely morning being shown around by *** It was nice seeing the things he enjoys doing at school.


Had a fantastic morning. So much for kids (and adults) to do!


Stay and play is such a lovely time we really enjoy spending an hour together seeing what ... gets up to at school.


Was very nice to see *** showing me all the different things around the room he was very confident in doing so. It was very nice seeing him interact with all the other children. You can tell he is learning a lot!


A lovely maths morning. Its great to see the kids in their classroom an have them show us what they get up to and teach us!


Thank you for a great morning. Lots of fun as always! Great to see how confident **** is with his times tables and teaching me too!


Thank you for a good morning of maths. The morning was a good way to see what my child is learning in maths and for him to show me how well he is doing in maths.


Had fun this morning with 4BM doing various maths activities. We particularly enjoyed the MTC tests and it was interesting to see how the parents performed under pressure. It was a lovely chilled out session.


It's been lovely to help out and see all the children - I am very impressed with how all the children are all doing with maths. Its been a pleasure to visit. Thank you :)


Very well organised, we look forward to being able to come and spend time in school doing activities with our child it's always very good fun and we both enjoy it.


Feedback from our 'Let's Learn Together For Children's Emotional Wellbeing' Session...

Lovely activities and lots of happy, relaxed children. Thank you for all the thoughtful things you have set up for the children :-)


A lovely morning to spend with the children, mental health week, nice to get more ideas to help at home.


I think it's good the children are learning about children's mental health week. All the children seem happy in class.


A lovely morning with some great activities highlighting mental health :-)


An excellent introduction to mental health. The children all seem to respond very well, good expression in the colouring and drawing.


My child is happy and settled at school, they feel confident they can talk to us or their teachers about worries or problems.


Lovely morning with lots of different activities for the children to express their feelings.


Great activities, very interesting for the children and very good to talk about feelings. Lots of variety.


Excited as I got to see *** in class and see all the different ways the child can express themselves.


It's always nice to come into the classroom **** loves this. The activities gave a good chance to discuss big feelings as last night he was a bit sad!


Really lovely morning with the children in the classroom, nice ands relaxing colouring too. It's very good to see the children in the school environment and good to see how happy it makes the children!


Nice to spend time seeing the children in their environment and listening to how the teachers use tools to understand how they feel.


As always it's lovely to come into school, meet the staff and see my child.


What our parents thought of the parent session for World Book Day...

 ***** enjoyed doing her mask the most. She also liked drawing and colouring. These events are great for adults, seeing the children interacting in the classroom environment.


Lovely morning as always loved joining in with the world book day learning. The activities where extremely inviting.


Lots of fun and happy faces. An hour well spent, thank you.


Lovely morning for world book day, fab activities!


A very lovely morning doing activities with the children and reading.


Wonderful morning with lots of different activities.


I had a wonderful morning with ****. It was also a much needed opportunity for my mother to accompany ***, terrific for her mental health!


Always a pleasure to come in, its nice to see my child doing activities and to see how he gets on with his classmates, good choices and good variety of activities to do. The kids enjoy these sessions very much


Super morning with lots of creative fun. Great time had by all!


Very fun activities, lovely costumes and great to see them interacting and sharing nicely.


I have really enjoyed coming into the classroom to read stories and do fun activities with both my children. Its great spending time with them in their classroom.


Lovely to see all the children in dress up for world book day, fun activities, everyone enjoying themselves.


Always enjoy being able to spend time with the girls in their classrooms. And they love having the opportunity to show a parent around their school.


What our parents thought of the KS1 Easter Assembly...

The children from Year 1 and 2 performed a variety of songs and poems for parents and carers at their Easter Celebration Assembly. In addition they recited Easter facts and told some Easter jokes. The assemblies were very well attended and 92 families filled in feedback "speech bubbles" to show their appreciation. Here are a few we thought we would share...

"A lovely assembly. So nice to have songs and poems to tell what Easter is really all about."

"Fantastic singing! Loved the split performance! Great clear reading voices. Well done to all involved."

"Great performance! I even learned new facts and traditions. Thankyou."

"A wonderful reminder of the Christian ethic. Superb performance by children and staff. Definitely All Things Bright and Beautiful."

"This Year 2 performance has been a lovely Easter treat! Beautiful singing and fantastic poems, jokes and facts. Well done children and staff. Superstars!"

"Amazing as always! So much work and effort goes into it and we really appreciate it."

"Proud moment! Well done!"

"Excellent performance. Completely charmed."

"Excellent! Lovely to hear the Christian message told at Easter. Christ is risen! Halleluia!"


What our parents think of Rise & Shine / Stay & Play...

"Thank you for providing a safe and fun environment for my child to come to after school, its difficult to find somewhere we are happy to leave her whilst we both work, We are extremely thankful to all of the staff at the club."


"Can I suggest that the club stays open until 6pm, it's often a struggle to get there after work. Although I do fully understand that staff at the club need to get home."


"The breakfast club is great - however it would be nice if we had a copy of the staffing list as I still don't know some of their names."


"My child would enjoy having access to a computer."


"Than you so much, having a club like this really helps working parents like myself to help our day run much more smoothly."


"A more flexible approach would be helpful - having to book in at the beginning of term sometimes doesn't work - if something crops up, like an appointment, I might need to change/add days on." 


We introduced Breakfast and After School club in Spring Term 2016, the clubs having gone from strength to strength with the numbers increasing term on term. We are pleased to be able to offer this service to the children at our school. Through the questionnaires we received back 100% of parents said that their child enjoys attending the club and that they are happy with the service. 



What our parents think of parent evening...

Parents/carers attend parent evening with their children. Please read some of the lovely comments we received from parent's evening.


"Thank you so much for all you do - my children are so happy at this school."


"Always happy with Hornsea Community Primary School. My son and daughters are doing so well thanks to the support and education they received/received. Thanks!"


"Great parent's evening for both my boys. I feel this is down to great staff doing a brilliant job. Thank you!"


"We were very proud of all the positive things we heard about our children. Thank you for making school a wonderful place for them to learn and develop."smiley


"Very pleased with the positivity and encouragement given."smiley


"Thanks for doing such a great job!"


"A wonderful, positive and enthusiastic teacher, perfect for our daughter's final year! We are very encouraged by everything we have heard."


"Super parent's evening!" Thanks to our child's fabulous teacher for all her hard work!"


We are really happy and proud of our daughter's achievements this term so far. It was nice that she was asked if she was happy and ok with things as she can be quite shy within a group of people. She seems to have benefited from the 'same day intervention' in the Lighthouse Room."


"Our daughter continues to make brilliant progress at school! Teaching staff are supportive and any issues are discussed and dealt with. She loves her teacher and enjoys attending school. Thank you!"


"It was a very positive parent's evening. My son has made so much progress in his new year and seems to be enjoying this year. His teacher is working close with me and giving me regular feedback on his progress."



"I am really pleased with the progress my son is making. I am sure that with all the provisions already in place, he will thrive and show promise for his future."


"I like my teachers."heart



Let's Learn Together Morning


Approximately 100 parents, grandparents and carers  attended our learning morning which focused on Big Maths. Every classroom in school was buzzing as parents, grandparents and carers joined children in a variety of mathematical activities and challenges. Some adult visitors had their own skills challenged as teachers and children insisted that they have a go at a timed Learn Its challenge! Pencils were sharpened, the timer was set and off they went to prove that they had what it takes to "Beat That"! Children showed their families what they do in Big Maths sessions and explained the methods which we use.


We received over 50 feedback sheets which were overwhelmingly positive about the event.


Below are just a few of the comments we received:


"We have really enjoyed seeing our daughter work in her classroom. She seems to really enjoy maths which quite surprised me!"


"This was a great session to gain an insight into what my child does in maths. It has given me better knowledge in how I can help at home."


"It's clear to see that all the children enjoy doing the activities whilst learning."


"What a wonderful insight into the activities my child participates in the subject of mathematics. A super opportunity to be part of my child's learning. Inspiring teacher who makes learning fun. A lovely morning!"


"A fantastic range of learning activities, all fun and engaging for different skill levels. I love it that learning is fun and it helps them stay involved. I'm hoping that we can now recreate some of these activities at home."


"Great fun! Loads of happy faces! Keep making them smile and you're half way there!"


"Great insight into the way maths is taught - very informative."


"I have children in 3 classes and I saw the same in each class I visited - all the children were really enjoying their maths and loved showing us what they could do. It was really good to see how the children love doing Big Maths."


" I have really enjoyed learning and seeing for myself how Big maths is done in class. I did not enjoy maths at all at school and believed I couldn't do it. Big maths is fun and has left me wanting to do more! Thankyou."


There are so many more quotes we could put here - thanks to all who attended for making it such a special morning!



The message from parents and carers is clear from the feedback - our children love maths and our parents and carers are keen to help them to learn at home!
